Though marketed as healthy or, at the very least, not dangerous, these foods are terrible for your weight and your health. Made with ingredients that do nothing for the body, all they do is add fat.
Real fruits are healthy because of the fiber, vitamins and minerals the solid part of them contains. Fruit juice is nothing more than sugar water, often containing more sugar than even soda. Because there is nothing else for the body to absorb, the sugar goes straight to the bloodstream, leading to sluggishness and irritability.

A common ingredient in most recipes, white rice is basically devoid of any nutrients at all. During processing, the grains are stripped away of all of the beneficial parts that make brown rice so much better. This means when you eat it, you’re simply filling up on empty carbs. Plus, how do you think they get the rice so white? Chlorine bleach.

White bread is very similar in that all of the beneficial components of the wheat have been removed and the remaining flour has been bleached using chemicals. It also contains more sugar than you should be comfortable eating. Instead, turn to whole grain breads, not multigrain. Multigrain simply means they can use different types of grains, not that they’re healthy.

French fries, corn dogs, chicken nuggets and onion rings all fall into this category. Because you are ingesting a lot of unhealthy fats from the fried skins, you increase your chances of suffering high cholesterol and high blood pressure since the fat sticks to and clogs your arteries.

Like white bread, companies love adding sugar to creamy salad dressings. They also load them with unhealthy fats. This means creamy dressings typically end up having more calories than the entire salad. To switch, start asking for oil-based dressings. Vinaigrettes and the like usually don’t have added sugar and are made with healthier fats, like olive oil.

Foods like rice cakes have glycemic indexes up in the 90s. This means the body treats them as sugars, sending your glucose levels into a rapid up and down. Plus, unless you regularly exercise, the excess carbs are immediately stored as new fat.

To keep these foods from suffering freezer burn, the companies that make them load them up with unhealthy preservatives, namely sodium. Sodium is notorious for causing water retention that leads to bloating. Also, even though the portions seem small, there are a lot of calories in each bite, leaving you hungry for more no matter the calorie count.
Source: dailyentertainment.me