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Consuming dry fruits for diabetes can be beneficial due to their nutritional profile. They are high in fibre, which slows the absorption of sugar
Image by Daniel Reche from Pixabay Have you tried walking for heart health? Here are some relaxing activities to include in your walks to improve your cardiovascular fitness and overall well-being. Walking is an excellent way to boost your mood as well as lose weight. But did you know that a physical activity like walking […]
“We have observed,” emphasizes Nicola Segata, “that the quantity and diversity of plant-based foods have a very positive impact on the microbiome
Hemp seeds can be good for the heart or maintaining weight. But before learning how to eat hemp seeds and adding them to your diet, consult your doctor
While chia seeds are extremely important in any diet, it is also essential to consume them in the right way. Be it your breakfast, mid meal snack or even as a beverage
With the new year, it is the perfect time to focus on self-improvement and embrace healthier habits. A few small changes in your routine
The team found that patients with colorectal cancer had significantly higher levels of bioactive lipids than healthier fats in their tumors.
Mullein tea, made from the flowers and leaves of the mullein plant, has been used for centuries to treat ailments such as chronic cough and cold,