A community health fair program that was made of a health screening and donation program was undertaken by Perpetual Aid Foundation in collaboration of RafaHOP (a subset of RafaMALLgh which is into health outreach programs) for the people of the Amanase community in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The program which was slated for the 12th of November, 2021 took place at the Amanase Presbyterian Church premises.
On November 12, 2021 at around 8:15am, team from RafaHOP arrived at the location secured for the program. Minutes later, they were joined by another team from Perpetual Aid foundation. Pleasantries were exchanged among members of both teams after which the leaders of both teams proceeded to officially announce their presence to the host who happened to be the Medical Officer in charge of Amanase Health Center, Dr. Abdul Razak Issifu Djeri. Dr. Djeri assumed the stage and gave a short welcome address to members of both teams who were present.
After the welcome address, members from both teams joined in the ongoing exercise which was geared at getting the place well organized for the program and by 9:10am the place was all set for the program. Inhabitants of Amanase and its neighbouring communities who have come in full spirit to partake in the screening exercise were entreated to have their seat for the official commencement of the program.
The health screening and donation program officially started at 9:30am with a word of prayer. The host, Dr. Djeri gave an introductory speech welcoming all and sundry to the program. In his speech, he did highlight on the the various screening tests which were to be done viz. Blood Pressure, Fasting Blood Sugar/Random Blood Sugar (FBS/RBS), Body Mass Index (BMI) and Blood Grouping.
He went on to enlighten all present about the rationale of these tests. He did a short introduction of the RafaHOP team as well as the Perpetual Aid Foundation team together with other dignitaries who were present, including the community assembly woman, Hon. Afi to all who were present. The host brought to the notice of his listeners that RafaHOP and Perpetual Aid Foundation were the organizers and sponsors of the program.
The founder of Perpetual Aid foundation, Mr. Blenkell Baah-Williams was invited to give an address. In his Address, he indicated his motivation for forming the foundation. He stressed that his motivation stems from the kind and benevolence trait that was ingrained in his Primary school Headmaster who at that time used to donate items such as chairs, tables among others to hospitals and churches in his community.
Mr. Blenkell also expressed gratitude to Dr. Djeri and Hon. Afi for granting him the opportunity to carryout such an exercise in their community and also for their support all throughout. He also expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the inhabitants who have come around to get screened.
The Assembly woman, Hon. Afi also gave a short speech welcoming everyone to the program. She also seized the opportunity to thank RafaMALL and Perpetual Aid foundation for such a benevolent act to her community.
After the speech, the screening exercise began. Five distinct stations were set-up for the entire exercise. The first station was for recording details of participants and checking of BMI, the second station was for checking Blood Pressure, the third was involved with checking of FBS/RBS, the next station was for checking Blood group and the last station was responsible giving health advice and counsel to participant based on the outcome of their tests.
Donation of items including chairs, tables, a hospital bed and fridge to the Amanase Health Center was made alongside the health screening exercise. Dr. Djeri together with other dignitaries received the items on behalf of the Amanase Health Center. The items was presented by Mr. Blenkell, Founder of Perpetual Aid Foundation.
Dr. Djeri thanked RafaHOP and Perpertual Aid foundation for such a kind gesture and for the items presented to them. He also prayed that many people in the country will develop such kind of benevolent attitude in order to help various communities in need.
The program gradually came to an end as people to be screened were declining. At about 13:45GMT, the program officially came to an end, the place was organized and each party departed to their various destinations.