Continuing with our side green – aromatherapy, we would take a look at some essential oils and how they help treat certain ailments. There are several plants with volatile oils. As I said essential oils are the same as volatile oils. These oils can be used as antiseptics, preservatives, antispasmodics, or even carminatives. They are immiscible with water but are soluble enough to impart their odor to them. They are soluble in alcohol. Volatile oils can be prepared using various methods. Now let’s talk about some oils used in aromatherapy.
Lavender (Lavandula auguatifolia) oil is inhaled in aromatherapy for its anti-depressant and soothing effect on insomnia. At other times, it is applied to the skin to reduce scarring, reduce blood pressure, heal small burns, to relieve muscle pains, and for antiseptic and anti-inflammatory activity.
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) oil is another essential oil that can be inhaled or applied to the skin to achieve the desired effect. It is an emotional stimulant, antiseptic, decongestant, and loosens mucous, especially good for the lower respiratory system. Some lower respiratory system diseases include pneumonia, bronchitis, and tuberculosis. Eucalyptus radiata is milder and better suited to the upper respiratory system which is normally affected by allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, and the common cold.
Lemon oil (Citrus limon) just like the other citrus oils may act as a bactericidal. It reduces sluggishness as it stimulates the central nervous system. Detoxifying as well. It may be inhaled or applied to the skin.
Peppermint oil (Mentha piperita) is a common essential oil. It can act as a refreshing pain reliever for headaches and migraines, antiseptic and antispasmodic for colds, flu, and digestive upset. It is helpful in itch relief. Applied or inhaled as well.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a stimulant to mind and body. This oil can ease mental fatigue and memory loss by inhalation. It also works well on muscular aches, strains, and sprains, arthritis, hair tonic, tonic to the body by application. It can be used either by inhalation or application.
Tea tree oil, (Melaleuca alternifolia) which is not just a cosmetic oil is very good in aromatherapy for cold and flu. And just like its facial actions, it is very good for antifungal infections and skin wound healing.
Others include cinnamon oil, lemongrass oil, frankincense, grapefruit oil, and sweet orange oil.
Essential oils are never to be taken internally. They can also have adverse effects so should be used with caution or under the supervision of an expert.