Naturopathic Medicine and Public Health Management in Ghana; A Mixed Questionnaire Study

Raphael Nyarkotey Obu and Lawrencia Aggrey-Bluwey Background: Naturopathic medicine is at its embryonic stage of development in Ghana and West Africa in its entirety. In jurisdictions where Naturopathic medicine is well regulated, Naturopathic practitioners are well integrated into the primary healthcare delivery team. In Ghana, the case is quite different due to a myriad of […]


Traditional healers broaden health care in Ghana

For many years, traditional medicine has received limited consideration from medical experts demanding more scientific evidence. However, a growing number of African countries are demonstrating a renewed interest in this ancient art of healing. Traditional medicine backed with scientific methods, tools, and guidelines can make a significant contribution to better access to medicines and achieving […]


A Case Study of Complementary Alternative Medicines in Primary Healthcare in Ghana

Raphael Nyarkotey Obu and Lawrencia Aggrey–Bluwey Background: The embryonic field of complementary alternative medicine in Ghana is gradually taking shape. Alternative medicine in Ghana is an important system of medical practice with the legislation currently pending promulgation.Background: The embryonic field of complementary alternative medicine in Ghana is gradually taking shape. Alternative medicine in Ghana is […]

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