Ghana: Why the rate of stroke among people below the age of 50 according to stakeholders is increasing

A recent study by the Stroke Investigative Research and Educational Network suggests that sub-Saharan Africa has the highest burden of stroke worldwide, with an age-standardized stroke incidence rate of up to 316 per 100,000 persons. When the blood supply to portions of your brain is blocked or ruptures, denying brain tissue oxygen and nutrition, 32,000 […]


Medicinal Plants May Be The Solution To The Menace Of Antimicrobial Resistance-Research Suggests

By Bentil Emmanuel Asare The research was a KNUST- Building Stronger Universities (BSU II) project initiative, with the objective to strengthen KNUST’s capacity to utilize quality research in solving crunch societal problems and promote Postgraduate education in Ghana. It was carried out to screen for sources of biofilm inhibitors in traditional medicinal plants in the Ejisu-Juabeng […]

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