Herbal Medicine Has The Potential To Generate More Revenue Than Both Cocoa And Oil- Dr. Appiah Alfred- CPMR

Herbal medicine is still the mainstay of about 75 – 80%of the world population, mainly in the developing countries, for primary health care. This is primarily because of the general belief that herbal drugs are without any side effects besides being cheap and locally available. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the use of […]


Dangers Of Herbal Purgative Abuse On The Body

There has been an increase in the usage of purgatives especially herbal ones recently. Purgatives also sometimes referred to as laxatives (more powerful laxatives) are substances that loosen stools, increase bowel movements within the intestines and eventual evacuation of bowel to relieve constipation. Several types of laxatives exist. These include; Bulk-forming, stool-softeners (surfactants), osmotic agents […]


Literature Review: Antiplasmodial activity of the leaves and stem bark Of Carapa procera and Alstonia boonei” by ISAAC KINGSLEY AMPONSAH

There is an urgent need for the development of effective anti-malarial drugs due to emergence of resistant strains ofP. falciparum. Medicinal plants represent a plethora of compounds to achieve this feat. The stem and leaf extracts of Alstonia boonei and Carapa procera are used in various traditional medicines for the treatment of malaria Malaria contributes substantially to the poor health situation in Africa. […]

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