Herbal medicine: Ghanaians need to sustain the environment and stop using dangerous chemicals

By Samuel T Okae INTRODUCTION Background Information Sustainable Development is a process of maintaining the legacy and properties that our forefathers left behind for us to sustain it for future generation to enjoy. Sustainable development and environmental issues include the emission of greenhouse gases, indiscriminate bush fires, excessive grazing, industrial exploitation of gases into the atmosphere, […]


Avoid snorting or inhaling alcohol; it’s much dangerous than consuming it orally.

By: Nketia Anthony (MPH. Health Education and Promotion, BSc. Herbal Medicine) When the topic concerning snorting substances is raised, people usually cast their minds to substances such as cocaine, heroin, or crushed painkillers. Certainly, it’s very unlikely to include any alcoholic product in this category at a first instance or at all. This is because […]


The Cotton Plant (Gossypium arboreum), Reported To Exhibit Contraceptive Effects In Men

Science and technology have undoubtedly contributed to the health and general wellbeing of the human race or creatures in general. However, there are other sensitive issues about health that scientists are putting much effort to explore. An example includes male contraception. Generally, male contraception has been abstinence (which is less feasible), condoms (which is less […]

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