Cabbage Juice heals ulcers in 10 days.

Cabbage is a popular natural ulcer remedy. Doctors reportedly used it decades before antibiotics were available to help heal stomach ulcers. It’s rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant shown to help prevent and treat H. pylori infections. These infections are the most common cause of stomach ulcers.

Animal Studies:

In fact, several animal studies show that cabbage juice is effective at treating and preventing a wide range of digestive ulcers, including those affecting the stomach. For instance, a 2014 study by Hadda et al titled Effect of garlic and cabbage on the healing of gastric ulcer in experimental rats published in the journal Medicinal Chemistry Research compared the effect of garlic (Allium sativum) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) extracts on the healing of gastric ulcer in experimental rats. The study involves thirty-three albino male rats and divided into 6 groups (n=6 rats); one was used as a negative control while the others were given aspirin orally (200 mg/kg ). One of these groups was employed as a positive control and the others were administrated with 150 or 300 mg/kg doses of garlic and cabbage juice for 7 days.

The length of the gastric ulcer, the volume of gastric juice, the total acidity, the pH value, the total bacterial count, and the histopathological changes of the stomach were examined. The study revealed that oral administration with both tested plant extracts reduced the length of gastric ulcer, the total acidity, the volume of gastric juice, the bacterial count, and the histopathological changes caused by aspirin. On the other hand, both aqueous plants extract increased the pH value of gastric juice. It is concluded that garlic and cabbage extract could be used for healing acute gastric ulcer.

In another 2007 animal study conducted by Kalantari and Jafari titled Survey of Extract of White Cabbage in Prevention and Treatment of Peptic Ulcer Caused by Aspirin in Rats published in the journal of Guilan University of Medical Sciences. The study authors examined the effect of extract of white cabbage in the prevention and treatment of peptic ulcers caused by Aspirin in rats. In this research, 48 rats were kept hungry for 48 hours, and as a result ulcer peptide appeared with aspirin suspension in standard condition. For a group of rats an hour before prescribing aspirin, different amounts of edible extracts of white cabbage were used. For the other group of rats, the same was used but this time after prescribing aspirin.

Findings showed that white cabbage’s extract in the amount of 100 mg/kg is most effective on the prevention of peptic ulcers caused by aspirin as compared with 200mg/kg dose used to cure peptic ulcers. The authors concluded that white cabbage can be used in the prevention and treatment of peptic ulcer, especially as prevention. Maybe the effect of this plant on peptic ulcer is like the prostaglandin that prohibits acid secretion, stimulates sodium bicarbonate, and changes the PH of the stomach and this can be further studied by researchers.

Human Studies


In humans, early studies observed that daily consumption of fresh cabbage juice appeared to help heal stomach ulcers more effectively than the conventional treatment used at the time. In one study, 13 participants suffering from stomach and upper digestive tract ulcers were given around one quart (946 ml) of fresh cabbage juice throughout the day.

On average, these participants’ ulcers healed after 7–10 days of treatment. In the study by Garnett Cheney, 1949, titled Rapid Healing Of Peptic Ulcers In Patients Receiving Fresh Cabbage Juice published in the California Medical Journal. The average crater healing time for seven of these patients who had duodenal ulcer was only 10.4 days, while the average time as reported in the literature, in 62 patients treated by standard therapy, was 37 days.

The average crater healing time for six patients with gastric ulcer treated with cabbage juice was only 7.3 days, compared with 42 days, as reported in the literature, for six patients treated by standard therapy. The study concluded that the rapid healing of peptic ulcers observed radiologically and gastroscopically in 13 patients treated with fresh cabbage juice indicates that the anti-peptic ulcer dietary factor may play an important role in the genesis of peptic ulcer in man.

This is 3.5 to 6 times faster than the average healing time reported in previous studies in those who followed a conventional treatment. In another study by Garnett Cheney , 1952, titled Vitamin U Therapy Of Peptic Ulcer, the same quantity of fresh cabbage juice was given to 100 participants with stomach ulcers, most of whom had previously received conventional treatment with no success. 81% were symptom-free within a week. However, researchers have yet to identify its exact recovery-promoting compounds, and no recent studies could be identified. Moreover, neither of these early studies had a proper placebo, which makes it difficult to know for certain that the cabbage juice is what produced the effect.

Vitamin U: The Compound in Cabbage Juice producing the Magic.

Cabbage juice contains compounds that may help prevent and heal stomach ulcers. Cabbage is also rich in vitamin C, which appears to have similar protective properties.

From a nutritional point of view, the gastrointestinal tract is considered one of the most important organs in the body. Maintaining a healthy digestive tract is paramount in achieving optimal health, as poor digestion can cause a multitude of seemingly unrelated problems. Nutritional health and gastrointestinal health are therefore closely correlated.

Peptic ulcer disease including both gastric and duodenal ulcer form a substantial part of patients seeking medical opinion world-wide. The concept of acid in peptic ulcer disease, which was the basis of treatment of peptic ulcer was revolutionized by the discovery of H2-receptor antagonists, that led to the principle of acid suppression therapy for duodenal ulcer which followed decades of preference for surgical interventions in the form of gastric resections, vagotomy, etc., After the discovery of Helicobacter pylori organism as the causative factor a triple-drug regime was identified to treat peptic disease which was further modified to sequential therapy to avoid antibiotic resistance. This recognition has not concluded the chapter on peptic ulcers. The management of ulcer disease and its complications remain a medical challenge.

Early studies recognized the effectiveness of raw cabbage juice in normalizing gastric and intestinal functioning. Glutamine and methionine derivatives present in the juice are believed to be the active principals. Specific attention has been focused on methionine S-methyl sulfonium (MMS) in the chlorinated form. Traditionally, this compound (MMS) has been referred to as “Vitamin U”, although

it does not meet the classic definition of a vitamin. MMS has a variety of documented effects including stimulating the formation of gastric mucous, serving as an antioxidant and acting as a methyl donor for a variety of acceptors. One study concluded that MMS supported the normal healing process of the stomach following exposure to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs). Due to the high turnover rate of the gastrointestinal mucosa, vitamin A need is significant.

Vitamin U, administered as raw cabbage juice to 100 patients with peptic ulcer, was apparently effective in promoting the rapid healing of uncomplicated peptic ulcers. The evidence of therapeutic benefit was;

  1. The rapid relief of the symptom, pain, without the use of any set plan of symptomatic treatment, and
  2. Ulcer crater healing time (determined roentgenographically) considerably shorter than in groups of cases, reported in the literature, in which “standard” types of diet and drug therapy were employed.

History of Vitamin U

The name of this compound comes from the Latin word for ulcer, ulcus, and the reason for its being linked to it is its beneficial effect on stomach ulcers. Vitamin U began to rise in popularity in the middle of the 20th century, with its name first and foremost linked with American scientist Garnett Cheney. Despite its not particularly long history, the substance has managed in a short time to prove itself as a potent aide in the battle against many insidious and serious diseases.

Sources of Vitamin U

Vitamin U is not created in the human body; it enters it through the food containing it. Certain vegetables are the main sources of this substance. It’s possible to obtain it chemically but in that case its effectiveness against various diseases remains debatable. Cabbages are famous for having high levels of Vitamin U. However, cabbages are not the only food to produce this nutrient. Vitamin U is produced by all flowering plants. Valuable sources of the vitamin-like substance are carrotscabbageceleryparsley, green onions, asparagusbeetrootspotatoesbroccoli, turnips. But in order for the body to absorb it properly, it’s recommended to consume these foods raw. When cooking vegetables for more than 30 min., there is usually a loss of the beneficial properties of the compound. Not all of the listed plants contain the same amounts of this vitamin-like substance. Curiously, plants grown in warmer countries possess a higher concentration of it. According to some sources, Vitamin U can be found in food of animal origin also. It’s found in notable quantities in raw egg yolks, the milk and livers of animals reared in clean environmental conditions.

Functions of Vitamin U

Vitamin U protects the gastrointestinal lining and aids in its recovery during inflammation. It stands out with its antihistamine and antiallergenic properties. Among its most beneficial functions are its neutralization of histamine, which is linked to ulcers. Additionally, it is believed to alleviate pain. Vitamin U is also said to normalize acid levels in the stomach, contributing to proper digestion. There are accounts of the substance in question aiding in the faster recovery of skin structure. Vitamin U improves liver function.

Benefits of Vitamin U

According to scientists, vitamin U is unjustifiably shrouded in obscurity, considering its numerous benefits in the fight against all kinds of conditions. As mentioned, it’s considered a powerful enemy of stomach ulcers. Studies indicate that regular consumption of cabbage juice or raw cabbage helps prevent the condition, as well as dealing with it if already present. All it takes is drinking about 4/5 cup (200 ml) of fresh cabbage juice every day. But that’s not all. The vitamin-like substance has healing effects on duodenum ulcers and gastritis. There are also beliefs that it helps against food allergies, bronchial asthma, liver problems. It protects against infections, boosts the immune system, helps faster recovery of skin diseases and fights symptoms that accompany hay fever. It’s been proven to yield positive results for depressive states.

Deficiency of Vitamin U

Deficiency of vitamin U is usually seen in people who don’t consume the vegetables containing it. Deficiency of the substance in question leads to a noticeable increase in stomach acidity, which can lead to ulcers or other stomach problems.

Overdose of Vitamin U

Vitamin U is a water-soluble vitamin and does not therefore stay long in the body. As such, any additional dose that gets into our body is thrown out. This makes it difficult to speak of overdose with this substance. Still, it’s not recommended to overconsume food supplements that contain it because they can never replace a varied and wholesome diet. If you intend to take these sorts of tablets or powders, consult with an expert just in case. If you’ve already bought similar supplements, read the insert carefully.

Storing Vitamin U

Pharmaceuticals containing vitamin U need to be stored in a dry area, away from sunlight. Keep in mind that the substance breaks down at high temperatures. Additionally, it oxidizes easily. As far as cold, it withstands it well.

Vitamin U Interaction with Other Substances

Vitamin U is not considered an aggressive substance and does not have adverse effects when taking other beneficial substances. In turn, other water-soluble vitamins and medicines do not hinder the absorption of vitamin U.

How much Vitamin U do you need to heal ulcers?

It isn’t certain how much Vitamin U people need as this is a topic that has not been fully researched. A recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for Vitamin U has not been established by the US National Academy of Medicine. However, an estimate can be made by calculating the amount of Vitamin U used in Dr. Cheney’s studies. Cheney healed ulcer patients with 1 liter of cabbage juice per day over 7-10 days. Cheney didn’t know how much Vitamin U was in the juice. In fact, he didn’t know what Vitamin U was exactly. It wasn’t until years later that it was determined that Vitamin U is the amino acid S-methylmethionine. In more recent years there have been a few studies in which the amount of S-methylmethionine in cabbages was measured.

Kim in 2003 reported 26-46 mg/100 g of dry weight, which given that a cabbage is ~92% water, works out as 21-37 mg/kg of fresh cabbage. According to Scherb and others in 2009, cabbages have 81 mg of Vitamin U per kg of fresh cabbage. In 2017, Song and others found that cabbages contain 50 mg/kg of fresh cabbage. There are several possible reasons for this variation. Kim found that the concentration of Vitamin U in the core, middle and outside leaves varied by 2-fold, with the middle leaves having the most. So one possibility is that different parts of the cabbage were analyzed by the various researchers.

Scherb found that vegetables grown in different countries had different amounts of Vitamin U, suggesting that some of the variation may be due to geography. Another possibility is that the cabbages were not all of equal freshness or picked at the same time of the year. In an older study, Kovatscheva and Popova noted that cabbages lose 62% of their Vitamin U during six months of storage without refrigeration and 34% with refrigeration. Cabbages harvested in spring /summer have the highest Vitamin U content. Finally, it’s possible that the various extraction procedures used in the studies resulted in slightly different yields of Vitamin U.

1 litre of juice is typically extracted from about 2 kg of cabbage. Cheney arrived at 1 litre from prior studies in which various volumes of cabbage juice were given to guinea pigs subjected to chemically-induced ulceration. 100% of the guinea pigs responded to the guinea-pig equivalent of 720 ml of juice. The volume used in the clinical study was rounded up to 1 litre to take into consideration variations in body weight and unexpected factors. Taking all this data together, it can be estimated that 1 litre of juice contains 42-162 mg of Vitamin U, which probably represents a maximum daily requirement.

DISCLAIMER This post is for enlightenment purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional diagnosis and treatments. Remember to always consult your healthcare provider before making any health-related decisions or for counselling, guidance and treatment about a specific medical condition.

The writer is an honorary Professor of Holistic Medicine-Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University, Ukraine, President of Nyarkotey College of Holistic Medicine and currently, LLB law/MBA Student. He is the formulator of FDA approved Nyarkotey Hibiscus Tea for Cardiovascular Support and wellness, Men’s Formula for Prostate Health and Women’s Formula for wellness. Contact: 0241083423/0541234556

Raphael Nyarkotey Obu, PhD, © 2020

Prof Raphael Nyarkotey Obu is an honorary professor of holistic medicine-Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University, Ukraine and the President of Nyarkotey College of Holistic Medicine, Tema Community 7, Post office.Column: RaphaelNyarkoteyObu

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