More herbal cures for rainy season ailments gMedFarms September 23, 2022 The study, published in African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, observed that the indigenous people value the plants CONTINUE READING ➞
Herbal Medicines Worsening Condition Of Prostate Cancer Patients? gMedFarms September 22, 2022 He noted that for a man to be diagnosed with prostate cancer, it was important to conduct a PSA blood test and biopsy to see CONTINUE READING ➞
Traditional medicine could give new hope to heart patients gMedFarms September 20, 2022 Honokiol is a natural product extracted from the bark and leaves of the tulip tree and has been used as a pain killer in traditional medicine CONTINUE READING ➞
Topical ointment made from tree sap found to be effective in treating skin wound infections gMedFarms September 16, 2022 Open skin wounds have become a major problem in recent years due to the large number of people living with diabetes. People with the CONTINUE READING ➞
Research Article: A chronological account of the history & progress of naturopathy in Ghana gMedFarms September 9, 2022 Africa, Naturopathy is well appreciated in South Africa and is a highly regulated Profession. In Ghana, we found that the Naturopathy CONTINUE READING ➞