Herbal plant farm to be established at Ntoaso gMedFarms August 1, 2022 Our forefathers depended on herbal medicine before the hospital were created.” CONTINUE READING ➞
Building a better painkiller gMedFarms July 16, 2022 “Although CBD is very effective in blocking the activity of pain-sensing neurons when applied directly to a neuron in a dish, we have no idea CONTINUE READING ➞
Prof. Nyarkotey honored by Indian Medical Association, JDN gMedFarms July 5, 2022 The elated Prof. Nyarkotey used this opportunity to call on colleagues Complementary and Alternative Medicine Practitioners to exhibit a high level CONTINUE READING ➞
Hibiscus Tea: suitable herbal medicinefor high blood pressure gMedFarms June 7, 2022 Ghana is gifted with the abundance of the Hibiscus Sabdarrifa plant and it is time we tap the full potential of this plant CONTINUE READING ➞
Costs of Certified Herbal medicines are Affecting Utilization of Herbal Units at Government Hospitals- Study Shows gMedFarms June 2, 2022 To date, however, no single certified herbal drug is generally covered by the national health insurance scheme CONTINUE READING ➞