Hibiscus Tea: suitable herbal medicinefor high blood pressure gMedFarms June 7, 2022 Ghana is gifted with the abundance of the Hibiscus Sabdarrifa plant and it is time we tap the full potential of this plant CONTINUE READING ➞
Regular Intake of Red Meat 🍖 Linked to Increased Colo-Rectal Cancer in Black Women gMedFarms June 6, 2022 Unprocessed red meat intake is associated with an increased colorectal cancer (CRC) risk in Black women CONTINUE READING ➞
Ghana’s Herbal Market: Another ‘E-Levy’? gMedFarms May 25, 2022 A full 40 percent of the drugs behind the pharmacist’s counter in the Western world are derived from plants CONTINUE READING ➞
Women’s Stress Response Gets Lowered Significantly When They Hug Their Partners gMedFarms May 20, 2022 As a woman, hugging your romantic partner can prevent the acute stress response of your body. CONTINUE READING ➞
Supplementing With Choline, A Key Nutrient To Baby Development gMedFarms May 19, 2022 During pregnancy, mom is primed to get nutrients out of the liver and make them available to the baby CONTINUE READING ➞