High prevalence rate of self-medication among Ghanaians gMedFarms April 29, 2022 There is a high prevalent rate of self-medication among Ghanaians because of the high cost of accessing quality healthcare from health facilities CONTINUE READING ➞
Everything Is Poison gMedFarms April 5, 2022 Droping blood volume and hence decrease in blood pressure leading to fatigue and other health problems resulting from disruption in normal metabolic processes. CONTINUE READING ➞
SKIN: MORE THAN JUST LAYERS OF TISSUES. gMedFarms April 3, 2022 These include normal skin, oily skin, dry skin, combination skin(oily and dry) and sensitive skin. The skin is known to perform several functions CONTINUE READING ➞
Stop Putting Substances Into Your Private Parts – Young Women Advised gMedFarms March 31, 2022 unhealthy sexual practices and lifestyles including anal and oral sex exposed women to several chronic infections. CONTINUE READING ➞
Colorectal cancer in context: How the food environment affects the gut gMedFarms March 25, 2022 Wolf says plenty of research links colorectal cancer with Western diets, including fatty and processed foods CONTINUE READING ➞