On Thursday, the 25th of May, 2023, the Ghana Association of Medical Herbalists (GAMH) took to the polls to elect new administration to take over office and responsibilities from previous administration. After a successful election exercise, Saturday 29th July, 2023 was the day slated to hold the handing over ceremony, a ceremony where power and responsibility would be passed on to the elected and appointed for the new season.

As the said day arrived, members of the fraternity gathered at the conference room of Zoe Fertility Center at Adenta by 9:30 am GMT to be part of the program either as a participant or a witness. The MC kick started the program exactly at 10:00 am GMT after a few minutes of mini-socialization where all members present had to introduce who they are and say something little about themselves.

First official action on the list was an invitation to the outgoing president of the association, Dr. Anthony Mensah MH to deliver his handing-over speech.

In his speech, after giving thanks to God almighty for his grace throughout his tenure of leading the association, he went on to mention a number of successes and challenges out of the many that he and his executives faced along the line. He first put forth that they were able to secure public sector postings, working hand in hand with the Traditional and Alternative Medicine Directorate (TAMD) for all qualified Medical Herbalists who were available to work in public hospitals. In close resemblance, they also facilitated the employment of several members who needed employment in the private sector as well.

The introduction of the collegiate system into the leadership architecture, where each college in the Herbal Medicine circle (Private, Public, Academic, Diaspora, Past Presidents and Executives) have representatives on the executive council is one inclusion that his administration can boast of in his tenure. A recommendation was made that the association’s constitution be reviewed to admit and accommodate this important addition for its maximum functionality.

The creation of the association’s elements for dues and welfare deduction with the Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD)  is an addition to the efforts of revenue generation for the association. He explained that deduction has only currently started with GAMH members employed at Center for Plant Medicine Research (CPMR) and would kick in with those with Ghana Health Service soon.

With publicity, Dr. Anthony Mensah, MH explained that his administration created the maiden website for the association ( together with the social media pages (Facebook, TikTok and Instagram) as well. During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019-2020, the association produced educational materials on proper hand washing techniques, the use of hand sanitizers and rational use of herbal medicines since a lot of the public resorted to using herbal medicines for the prevention and treatment of the condition at that time.

Committees has been set up for Ghana Health Service and some selected Medical Herbalists to consider modalities that will lead to the institution of structures for Herbal Medicine within the ranks of the service. This committee also have to review our proper placement on payroll. A strong relationship has been built with the Medical Superintendents Group Ghana which has brought GAMH into the know, informing the duly invitation of the association to represent in seminars or programs like the AGM that happened in Obuasi in July 2022. This step has greatly improved on the acceptability of our practice in facilities, improving on the procurement of drugs and other logistics for the 55 herbal units across the country.

GAMH in his tenure related very cordially with all stakeholders while representing the best interest of the association. Actions like this has immensely advance the professional title Dr. MH to the extent that TMPC, KNUST and TAMD are on record to have issued and continue to issue certificates and letters to members of the association bearing that title.

In terms of support, the necessary mentorship worthy of a professional body has been given to the student body Ghana Herbal Medicine Student’s Association (GHEMSA) from time to time in the form of engagements to inspire them. Socially, the association was positioned to give some support whenever the need arose, a few mentions to Dr. Aaron and Prof. Kuffour who unfortunately passed on in recent years, may their souls rest in peace.

The strong move to the change of our professional name as a body was being spearheaded by his administration. He admonishes that we all support the new administration to continue the good works in process and also to do more for the betterment of our healthy association.

Great thanksgiving mentions were specially directed to Dr. Anastasia Yirenkyi, Dr, Williams Andrews Tetteh, Dr. Emmanuel Fiawoo, Dr. Ebenezer Agyemang, Dr. Samuel Asiamah, Dr. Prince Osei, all outgoing executives, stakeholders and all cherished association members for the support his administration received to make their tenure a success.

The MC started a forum to ask about inputs to help some problems the association is facing especially about the lack of respect some colleagues face at their workplaces in some of the government hospitals. Inputs flooded in from side to side and a lot was poured out that many good thoughts and advices were gleaned from.  

The presentation of certificates to outgoing executives was the next agenda. All present outgoing executives were handed certificates in appreciation for their selfless service. In continuation, the real handing over session commenced. New executives and their portfolios were announced as outgoing executives were handing over to them. The list of all executives and their respective portfolios are as follows:

Dr. Sandra Ashong – President

Dr. Prince Osei – Vice President

Dr. Ronald Yeboah – General Secretary

Dr. Abigail Klu – Treasurer

Dr. Daniel Foli Gariba – Organiser

Dr. Josephine Ayine – Financial Secretary

Dr. William Korto – Executive without Portfolio

The president elect, Dr. Sandra Ashong was invited to give her speech after the baton had been handed over to her.

In her speech, she stated her utmost gratitude to the fraternity on behalf of herself and her elected/appointed executives. She stated that the past National Executive Council led by Dr. Anthony Mensah, MH have done great and their best over the years to create the platform on which they can leverage on as incoming executives.

She puts forth that the support of all members of the association in the form of constructive criticisms, business leads, media channels and opportunities is needed by her and her executives in order to fulfill the vision of an association that is a household name in good light, promoting traditional medicine, debunking myths, creating the necessary visibility and forming strategic alliances with industry players and corporate bodies as we all envisage.  

Working assiduously together with new executives to bring to the forth collective aspirations, mend cracks and forge a formidable force within the industry is their collective aim. She stressed that we prioritize respect and honour, unity as an association to foster a formidable bond to work together to make this a success.

She concluded by reminding members that our association is first of its kind in Africa making us unique and powerful, in turn giving us room to be creative and set standards as pacesetters for others to follow.

Her speech ended the official part of the ceremony. Memorable pictures were taken, prayers were said to end as it was done when starting and a lot more socialization took place. By and by, the handing over ceremony came to an and and all dissipated.

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