Ghana Naturopathic Associations Merged

Three naturopathic associations in Ghana;

Ghana Naturopathic Medical Association;

Naturopathic physicians of Ghana and

Naturopathic physicians organisation

Have signed a merger resolution on 8th November to become a unified body known as the Ghana Association of Naturopaths, a professional body of naturopaths and Naturopathic Doctors to help develop and promote modern naturopathy.

The meeting was chaired by Dr. Albert Nana-Arthur, the acting President of the Ghana Association of Alternative Medicine practitioners.

DR. Nana-Arthur, was happy that the meeting was held successfully and called on other alternative medicine associations to also merged to help unify the profession.

Prof. Raphael Nyarkotey Obu, in his part, said, this is a new era of promoting modern naturopathy and the merger is a great sign of good things to happen in the naturopathic profession in Ghana.

He emphasized standardisation is very important in any profession and this merger presents a platform to discuss national standards in naturopathy to meet the global standards as advocated by the World naturopathic federation, Canada.

He further said the new association will be sent to the world naturopathic federation for acceptance at the global level.

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Comments (3)

  1. Anochie Ama Cecilia

    Great news

  2. Dr Samson Ehijinwa

    The merging of different bodies of Naturopathic Association is a sign of development of Natural Medicine not only for you in Ghana, but for us in Nigeria. Dr Samson Ehijinwa (NCPNM)

  3. Francis Kuting

    Naturopathic approach is very powerful and safe

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