NOT JUST GREEN. ‘The first wealth is health’ – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

‘The first wealth is health’ – Ralph Waldo Emerson.

‘No matter how much it gets abused, the body can restore balance. The first rule is to stop interfering with nature’ – Deepak Chopra

‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food’ – Hippocrates

For some time now, I have been looking for a way to talk about the natural way of healing. When I was younger, I loved body pampering. Talk of massage, ‘mani-pedis’, facials and sleep. These were my ‘stress reliefs’ so I made it a point to always follow mummy to the salon or spa. That part of me has not changed anyway. Just that I do not have as much free time as I did before.

Achieving a natural health has become the concern of many people today. All over the world, there is an aim to improve health and address illness in people of all ages. Natural health can be likened to Complementary and Alternative Medicine. It is the art, science and practice of diseases diagnosis and treatment and prevention of illness using natural therapies and medicines. Does it mean it is completely natural? Of course, straight out of mother nature. No synthesized chemicals.

Natural health therapy is a self-care system of natural therapies which can restore health. It may consider the whole person, the mind, the body and emotions and also bring balance and harmony. This kind of care is becoming popular lately. Do you know why? There is a growing disillusionment with drugs and conventional medicine. Also, people have a desire for medicines that come from nature and do not contain toxic or synthesized chemicals. People want to work with their bodies enabling the body’s innate healing ability. Natural remedies work alongside other forms of medicine.

These therapies or medications come in different forms. Some deal with the body, others with our senses, others base on traditional medicine and some also rely on energy or work on the mind.

There could be stimulating of nerves and muscles using fine needles as in the case of ACUPUNCTURE. One could restore body balance the Indian style through AYURVEDA. Probably using diluted versions of natural substances to treat health problems as in HOMEOPATHY. Some people even treat diseases without using drugs altogether in the case of NATUROPATHY. They rely on diets and exercises. You could try YOGA or even a MASSAGE. A number of people rely on DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS. The use of essential oils for healing illness in AROMATHERAPY. Others also believe there are different points on the feet, hands, face and ears that are linked to other parts of the body. Therefore, relaxing the point of contact sends signals that heal the affected part. It is termed as REFLEXOLOGY. Consider it as a foot massage. For instance, massaging the big toe to treat headache. We could also restore life force energy to help one get healed in REIKI. Then talk of HERBAL MEDICINE. The use of herbs or plants as medicine to treat diseases. There are more therapies belonging to this way of healing.

I am sure people just think of herbs when natural healing is mentioned but that is not the case as you can see. There is more to the ‘Greens’. Trust me, the natural way is overwhelmingly beautiful. Research more about it. I studied BSc Herbal Medicine in Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and I have gained knowledge about lots of things pertaining to the natural way of healing and even the conventional way.

It does not end here.

Going Green!

Going Natural!

Tracy Obeng Nyamekye, 2019/2020 GHEMSA General Secretary

HOW OLD IS GREEN? Herbs are the friend of the physician and the pride of the cook. – Charlemagne.

Comments (2)

  1. Mary Oppong

    Wow it’s really a nice platform to educate people about herbal medicine, keep it up👍

  2. Peprah Blessing

    Nice and Educative, thanks Dear.

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