Nyarkotey College of Holistic Medicine officially starts Kumasi campus this Friday @ south suntreso..

Nyarkotey College of Holistic Medicine (Science based Premier Holistic Medicine University) is the fastest growing private institution of higher education in Naturopathy and Holistic Medicine in the country.

 Accredited by the Traditional and Alternative Medicine Practice Council(TMPC) of the Ministry of Health, the body mandated by law in Ghana to regulate the practice of Traditional and Alternative Medicine in Ghana based on Traditional Medicine Practice ACT 575.

Our students are eligible to sit for the Ministry Professional Qualifying Licensure Examination to practice as Naturopath in Ghana

The college also has various professional accreditations and partnerships which add a seal of quality to the education of their students.

Our certificates are awarded by the faculty of Holistic Medicine, Universidad Empresarial de Costa Rica. We have two campuses in Accra and one in Kumasi, South Suntreso.

The branch at South Suntreso, Kumasi officially commences this friday.

At Nyarkotey College of Holistic Medicine, we bring science into Natural Medicine and we deemed to be a fully-fledged University in the next 5years.

Tel: 0208679076

E-mail: collegeofholisticmedicine@gmail.com

Nana Yaw Osei.

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