If you want to look after your liver, drink in moderation and have two to three alcohol-free days each week. That way, you won’t have to rely on the liver’s magical self-healing
A further polydrug, “white pipe”, a mixture of methaqualone (Mandrax), cannabis and tobacco, is smoked in southern Africa. These drugs are inexpensive and provide an escape from unemployment,
“Physicians are seeing an increase of requests for erectile dysfunction drugs from men with cardiovascular diseases,” said Daniel Peter Andersson, MD, Ph.D.
He noted that exclusive breastfeeding was a huge task that demanded time and, therefore, urged husbands, family members, and work colleagues to support
Ms Paulina Hanson, Team Lead, RippleCraft Agency, said the campaign was not just about raising awareness, but a call to action for individuals to prioritise their heart health.
Lymphatic filariasis follows the “social gradient”. Those who are poorest are most likely to be affected. Factors associated with poverty increase the chances of being infected
To check if the jam is ready, place a small amount on a cold plate and let it sit for a minute. Run your finger through the jam, and if it wrinkles and holds
In cases of severe obesity where traditional interventions may fall short, calorie restriction through very low-calorie diets has shown remarkable efficacy