STDs are easy to diagnose by the typical clinical features and suitable laboratory tests. Early treatment helps in a complete cure and also prevents other complications.
One batch of agadagidi was produced using the traditional method. We also produced agadagidi using controlled fermentation and divided the liquid separated into six batches
Ultraviolet light can actually change the structure of your DNA, which can lead to a mutation in a specific gene that either promotes cancer or one that fails to suppress cancer.
It said food safety was an essential component of food security and that the festive season was a time for celebration and a time to prioritize the health and well-being
But artificial womb technology might instead add to the reproductive choices currently available – making it possible for more people to become parents if they want to.
With the cost of modern drugs for Alzheimer’s prohibitive, she intends to prove that the plant extract will enable patients “to fight neuron degeneration and reduce stress on the brain”.
LBP affects life quality and is associated with comorbidities and higher mortality risks. Individuals experiencing chronic LBP, especially older persons