He, therefore, urged CSOs and media to educate and sensitise Ghanaians on the health effects of eating foods that contain TFAs in order to save them from diseases associated with the acids.
According to the executive director of South African Breastmilk Reserve, Stasha Jordan, breastmilk is the safest optimal food for the premature and full-term infant population
The pandemic has presented a perfect opportunity to transform the public health order in Africa that will effectively guard against future crises and make health for all a reality.
Starting by 8am this morning about 100 traders were freely screened for hepatitis B, Typhoid fever, blood Glucose, Blood group while their BMI as well as blood pressures were checked for consultation purposes.
The risk of cardiovascular disease rises with an increasing burden of perceived stress, financial problems and adverse life events, a major international study with University of Gothenburg researchers
Dr Nartey said the cost involved in testing and treatment of the disorder deterred many people including expectant mothers from conducting tests to ascertain their status and seek healthcare.
Dr Kuma-Aboagye also responded to findings on the lack of temperature monitoring devices, coupled with poor conditions under which medical supplies were stored.
“We want to prevent cardiovascular disease. We want kids to live strong, healthy lives into adulthood,” Kindler said. “But to do that, we need to know the underlying factors