Dr Kuma-Aboagye also responded to findings on the lack of temperature monitoring devices, coupled with poor conditions under which medical supplies were stored.
“We want to prevent cardiovascular disease. We want kids to live strong, healthy lives into adulthood,” Kindler said. “But to do that, we need to know the underlying factors
Full chemical analysis of the whole plant medicinal cannabis products used is ongoing, but the researchers were able to assess the THC and CBD content.
According to the dietician, it was common practice for some people when cooking foods like rice, cassava among others, to cover the utensil with polythene to retain steam
Government in November declared December 2021 as a vaccination Month to ensure the implementation of a mandatory vaccination policy for students, commercial drivers, government workers
The several awards he has won also followed the inauguration of his specialist Sciatica Research and Treatment Centre which is fully equipped with modern facilities to provide complete healthcare assistance to patients.
The idea that people with inflammatory diseases, such as asthma or eczema, are less prone to developing brain tumors was first proposed more than 15 years ago, based on epidemiologic observations