It Is NOT Advisable To Rely On Scent Leaf Treatment For Kidney Diseases! gMedFarms October 26, 2022 The right amount of water intake is a vital part of maintaining healthy kidney functionality. However, experts always advise seeking medical help CONTINUE READING ➞
3 to 7 minutes of sex is normal for Men-Studies gMedFarms October 25, 2022 In this study as well, Sex was considered completed at the point of penile ejaculation and not from the point of the woman reaching orgasm CONTINUE READING ➞
Does Eating fufu after 4 pm Dangerous? gMedFarms October 24, 2022 This explains why when you eat fufu or kokonte after some hours when you vomit, you will see the undigested fufu or kokonte again CONTINUE READING ➞
DIY Recipes: How to make the perfect Ghanaian bitter leaf soup gMedFarms October 21, 2022 The perfect Ghanaian bitter leaf soup You are free to increase the size of the ingredients if you want to serve a larger number of people CONTINUE READING ➞
A Jamaican medicinal-plant scientist explores his African roots gMedFarms October 20, 2022 I am a pharmacologist at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, in Barbados. I earned my degrees at the university’s Mona campus CONTINUE READING ➞