Research Article: A chronological account of the history & progress of naturopathy in Ghana gMedFarms September 9, 2022 Africa, Naturopathy is well appreciated in South Africa and is a highly regulated Profession. In Ghana, we found that the Naturopathy CONTINUE READING ➞
Lagos unveils handbook to regulate traditional medicine practice gMedFarms September 9, 2022 He decried the high incidence of quackery, traditional medicine hawkers and concoction mixers, stating that it posed CONTINUE READING ➞
Provide finances to prevent an epidemic of hypertension in Ghana–Gov’t urged gMedFarms September 7, 2022 The available data also shows that an estimated 36% of those aware of their hypertension are on medication of one sort or another CONTINUE READING ➞
Eating nothing but pineapple for weight loss? Know side effects from dietician gMedFarms September 6, 2022 Well, you do not need to follow any restrictive diet to lose weight, but if you want to lose weight, it’s best to create a small calorie deficit by cutting out CONTINUE READING ➞
Experts examine merits, de-merits of TM, proffer solutions gMedFarms September 5, 2022 The microbiologists said Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs) have been incorporated into the Lagos State health care system through collaboration CONTINUE READING ➞