Compound in the herb rosemary may be useful against COVID-19 and other inflammatory diseases gMedFarms February 2, 2022 A team co-led by scientists at Scripps Research has found evidence that a compound contained in the medicinal and culinary herb rosemary CONTINUE READING ➞
Africa: Only 14 Cases of Guinea Worm Infection Reported Globally in 2021 gMedFarms January 31, 2022 “I’d like the last Guinea worm to die before I do,” he told a reporter, referring to the waterborne parasite that can grow up to 80 centimeters CONTINUE READING ➞
Nigeria: How e Consign Me? Obesity, a Growing Concern in Nigeria gMedFarms January 28, 2022 It is no secret that Nigeria’s poor nutritional statistics are of an epidemic proportion. In Nigeria, nearly 2 in 5 (37%) children under five are stunted, CONTINUE READING ➞
Non-Communicable Diseases account for 70 percent of deaths worldwide gMedFarms January 26, 2022 Moreover, someone aged 30 to 70 years dies prematurely from NCDs every two seconds and poorer people are disproportionately affected by NCDs CONTINUE READING ➞
7 Main Benefits of Foot Massage—and How to Give Yourself One the Right Way gMedFarms January 25, 2022 Foot massages are often seen as a luxury rather than a necessity. But there’s way more to the practice than sheer relaxation and pampering. CONTINUE READING ➞