Uganda approves use of local herbal medicine for coping with COVID-19


Uganda has approved the use of Covidex, local herbal medicine for supportive treatment in the management of COVID-19 as the country grapples with the surge of cases.

The state-run National Drug Authority (NDA) said in a statement issued on Tuesday that Covidex has been notified to be sold in licensed drug outlets for supportive treatment in the management of the viral respiratory disease, but not as a cure of the virus.

The agency said the product manufactured by Jena Herbals Uganda Ltd is formulated from herbal plants that have been traditionally used to alleviate symptoms of several diseases.

“Notification is an initial approval granted to herbal medicines based on evaluation of scientific data to confirm the quality, safety, and efficacy of the drug and inspection of the factory for good manufacturing practice,” said the statement.

“NDA has granted Covidex an approval based on initial assessment, published literature, and safety studies conducted by the innovator,” it said.

The product should be used under the guidance of a professional health worker in the east African country.

NDA said it has advised the manufacturer to conduct random controlled clinical trials in the country to ascertain any claims of treatment.

“As our standard procedure, NDA will continue to monitor the safety of Covidex through our post-market surveillance activities. We call upon the public to immediately report any side effects from the use of this product,” said the statement. Enditem

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