Dental infection can be fatal if not treated immediately, Dr. Mensah Tabi-Amankwa, a Dentist at the International Maritime Hospital (IMaH) has revealed and stressed that dental infections such as sores and ulcers in the mouth, can spread beyond the jaw and pose life-threatening difficulties by blocking the airway traveling down the neck.
Dr. Tabi-Amankwa delivered the remarks at the weekly “Your Health! Our Collective Responsibility,” a Ghana News Agency Tema Regional Office initiative aimed at promoting health-related communication and providing a platform for the dissemination of health information in order to influence personal health choices through improved health literacy.
Your Health: Our Collective Responsibility is a GNA-Tema programme that also serves as a public health advocacy platform, with the purpose of exploring the limits of the four modes of health communication: informing, instructive, persuasive, and pressing.
Speaking on the subject of “Oral Health,” the IMaH Dentist stated that any sore in the mouth that does not cause pain and persists for more than three weeks without healing could be an early sign of cancer.
Furthermore, stress caused ulcers within and around the corners of the mouth, indicating that minerals such as iron or vitamin B12 were not properly balanced in the body.
While a hole in the tooth may not cause pain, he warns that if left untreated, it can cause a swollen face that extends to other parts of the body.
Cavities, he explained, were caused by a loss of tooth tissue, which resulted in food accumulating in the hole and, over time, transitioning to persistent pain, trouble swallowing cold water, and, finally, a face swallow.
He said that the serious, growing infection was caused by bacteria in the tooth capable of breaking down somebody’s tissue and producing toxic byproducts, leading it to spread to the neck, restricting chewing and swallowing, and eventually choking the patient to death.
According to Mr. Francis Ameyibor, Regional Manager of Ghana News Agency Tema, “Your Health! Our Collective Responsibility” is part of a joint effort to provide a way of communicating health information in order to influence individual health decisions through increased health literacy.
He also stated that the Ghana News Agency and medical professionals’ communication abilities will be used to inform the public that everyone’s health is important and should be prioritized.
Mr. Ameyibor stated that the health of parents, as well as employees and employers, the public, and health experts, should be a priority for children.
He knew that in order to create a healthy society, everyone must be involved.
According to Mr. Ameyibor, in order to have a healthy society, everyone must care about the well-being of others.
Mr. Ameyibor said the weekly health dialogue platform will also be used as a beneficial channel of communication for health specialists to educate the public about healthy habits and other general health concerns.
—CDA Consult || Contributor
Source: ModernGhana