SON to roll out standards for African traditional medicine gMedFarms February 2, 2023 “I have been intimated of your zealousness in driving the standardisation activities of the African Traditional Medicine CONTINUE READING ➞
Rat Tea: Natural Dewormer, antidiarrhea, Pain reliever, etc. gMedFarms January 31, 2023 The plant’s bark, leaves, and roots are extracted for traditional medicinal uses for treating various ailments from influenza, and rheumatism, to sexual issues CONTINUE READING ➞
Four deaths and 116 cases recorded in Monkey Pox outbreak in Ghana gMedFarms January 30, 2023 Dr Abdulai said Monkeypox could affect anyone despite the age, disclosing that a 13-day old baby got infected and died. CONTINUE READING ➞
Gambia Law School student petition HealthMinister on Traditional Medicine Legislation gMedFarms January 27, 2023 Yet, key challenges such as research funding for Traditional and Complementary Medicine (T&CM), a lack of mechanisms to regulate T&CM practices CONTINUE READING ➞
KNUST: Herbal Medicine Department Holds Orientation For Freshers gMedFarms January 26, 2023 explaining the genesis of the program to its current state and the impact it has had in moving Ghana Health System CONTINUE READING ➞