DIY Recipes: How to make Oblayo gMedFarms July 22, 2022 If you want it lighter, you can add some more water and stir and let it cook for a little more time CONTINUE READING ➞
Garlic: You May Be Consuming In A Wrong Way gMedFarms July 19, 2022 It is believed that consuming garlic, especially the raw one on an empty stomach helps in reaping its maximum benefits CONTINUE READING ➞
Long term high-fat diet expands waistline and shrinks brain gMedFarms July 11, 2022 “Obese individuals have about a 55 percent increased risk of developing depression, and diabetes will double that risk,” Assoc Prof Bobrovskaya says CONTINUE READING ➞
Study: Red Palm Oil Lowers Cholesterol, slows Heart diseases gMedFarms June 30, 2022 n the other hand, a study by Tan et al.(2021) explained that Red palm oil’s reddish-orange pigment emanates from antioxidants known as carotenoids CONTINUE READING ➞
The ‘saggy breast’ story; self-worth vs misconception gMedFarms June 27, 2022 Saggy breasts might be attributed to genetics, food plan or way of life; subsequently it’s deceptive responsible it on promiscuity. CONTINUE READING ➞