DIY: Natural Hair Care Regimen


Clove buds
Rosemary spice
Clean water (room temperature)


Add 3 table spoonful of clove buds and rosemary spices.

  • Add a reasonable amount of clean room temperature water per ingredient ratio.
  • Leave the solution to sit/stand for 24 hours.
  • A deep concentrate of the active ingredients from the spices should be seen after 24hrs.
  • Filter/Strain with a clean cloth.
  • Please keep it in a spray bottle/container of your choice.
  • Apply and massage on the scalp and in the hair (both braided & unbraided hair) within 2 weeks. NB: The filtrate of clove buds and rosemary spices is very potent, hence, it should not be overused/abused during production.


  1. Possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties and nutrients for strong and healthy hair growth
  2. Protect the scalp from dandruff (which is a major cause of thin and weak hair)
  3. Fight bacteria that clog hair follicles
  4. Decrease hair loss
  5. Improve blood circulation to the scalp thereby stimulating hair growth and reducing hair fall.

Dr. (MH) Grace Afrah

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