This Is Why You Must Take A Walk Especially After A Heavy Meal

Reduces gas and bloating

According to a 2020 study, moderate daily exercise improves symptoms such as gas and bloating in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Their findings suggest that people can decrease their symptoms by 50% when they increase their daily step count from 4,000 to 9,500.

Researchers suggest that as the body moves, it stimulates the digestive system. This aids the passage of food.

It is important to note that this study was done on university students, the majority of whom identify as women. They were all diagnosed with IBS, and they were not taking medication to reduce symptoms. This study also did not look specifically at walking right after eating.

While this study indicates that a person can reduce common digestive issues by increasing their step count, it merely shows an association. Additionally, this was an observational study of people with IBS. This means the observed findings will not apply to all populations.

Different studies have conflicting results. One German study suggests that while walking after a meal meant faster gastric emptying (which is how quickly the food moves from the stomach to the small intestine), it does not affect GI symptoms.

Regulates blood sugar

After a person eats a meal, their blood glucose increases, especially if the meal contains a lot of carbohydrates. This is a temporary rise in blood sugar. In a person who does not have diabetes, their body will release insulin. Insulin lowers blood sugar and helps keep levels in check.

In a person without diabetes, a rise in blood sugar after eating carbs is a normal occurrence. This is because carbs turn to sugar as the digestive system breaks them down. The sugar then enters the bloodstream.

The sugar supplies the body’s cells — namely and importantly, the brain — with essential energy.

In healthy individuals, the pancreas releases enough insulin to regulate blood sugar. However, there are other diet and lifestyle modifications a person can make to support blood sugar control, which is key to overall health.

There are a variety of ways a person can manage their blood glucose, and walking after eating is one of them.

According to a 2018 study, a walk’s timing affects postprandial blood glucose, or post-meal blood sugar levels. The findings suggest that a short walk after a meal lowers blood glucose levels more than walks done before a meal.

It is important to note that this study was done on nondiabetic young adults. The study design did not include information on other demographic factors, such as the race of the participants, so it may not be representative of larger populations.

Supports mental health

Walking is a possible way to improve mental health. This is because it reduces stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol.

When a person goes for a walk, the body releases endorphins that act like natural painkillers. These decrease discomfort, boost mood, reduce stress, and induce feelings of relaxation.

However, research does not indicate that walking after a meal specifically improves a person’s mental health. If this is the primary benefit a person is looking for, they should aim to fit a walk in whenever suits them best.

Improves sleep

Regular exercise, in any form, can help relieve insomnia. This exercise can include walking.

Research indicates that for some people, regular exercise can be as effective as insomnia medication. One older study shows that in adults, long-term regular exercise significantly decreased the amount of time it took them to fall asleep.

However, going for a leisurely walk after dinner can also benefit people without insomnia. Getting a moderate amount of aerobic activity increases the amount of slow-wave, or deep, sleep a person gets at night. However, vigorous exercise can be stimulating, and it may interfere with sleep.

Lower blood pressure

Regular physical activity can lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol, which is good for heart health. This protects against heart disease and stroke.

For optimal heart health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that people get 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise at least 5 days per week.

People can easily achieve this by taking either one 30 minute walk after a meal, or three 10-minute walks after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Make it a point to at least walk a few meters after every meal especially supper.

Reference : Medical News Today

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