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  • HOT-36%Limited
    Kingdom Garlic Bitters Original price was: ₵45.00.Current price is: ₵29.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    An herbal bitters made from pure herbs used for the management of heart related conditions; hypertension, stroke and diabetes

  • -17%Limited
    Lemon fruit-500g Original price was: ₵12.00.Current price is: ₵10.00. Sold By: GMF Store
  • -33%Limited
    Mango fruit (Mangifera indica)-1Kg Original price was: ₵15.00.Current price is: ₵10.00. Sold By: GMF Store
  • -13%Limited
    Miiracell Plus Original price was: ₵1,150.00.Current price is: ₵1,000.00.
  • -17%Limited
    Momordica charantia leaf – 150g Original price was: ₵30.00.Current price is: ₵25.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    Momordica charantia consists of the fresh or dried leaf or fruit of Momordica charantia. It is a very vigorous, annual climbing plant producing stems 5 metres or more long that scramble over the ground or climb up into the surrounding vegetation, supporting itself by means of tendrils. The fruit has a higher nutritional value than many members of this family, mainly due to its iron and vitamin C content. Bitter gourd tea, made from dried fruit pieces, is a popular health drink in Japan and some other Asian countries.

    The leaves are antiseptic, blood purifier, febrifuge and vermifuge. An infusion is used in the treatment of intestinal worms, jaundice, malaria and other fever A decoction of the leaves and stems is used to treat diabetes, high blood pressure and biliousness

  • HOT-33%Limited
    N’adom Garlic Bitters Original price was: ₵40.00.Current price is: ₵27.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    Highly effective herbal medication for improving blood circulation

  • -20%Limited
    Organic Honey-330ml Original price was: ₵25.00.Current price is: ₵20.00. Sold By: GMF Store
  • HOT SALE-26%Limited
    Osompa Garlic Syrup Original price was: ₵38.00.Current price is: ₵28.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    Natural medicine made from ginger, garlic and lime effective for the management of asthma, reducing cholesterol and improving blood circulation

  • -10%Limited
    Pear-1Kg Original price was: ₵20.00.Current price is: ₵18.00. Sold By: GMF Store
  • -4%Limited
    Phyllanthus niruri (akan:Bowomaguwoakyi) leaf-100g Original price was: ₵25.00.Current price is: ₵24.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    Phyllanthus consists of the fresh or dried leafy tops of Phylanthus niruri. A glabrous annual herb 30-50cm high with grooved stem; slightly winged branchless; leaves simple, alternate and distichous, oblong-elleptical rounded at both ends.  It is considered to be useful in the treatment of thirst, bronchitis, leprosy, anaemia, urinary discharge, anuria, biliousness, asthma, hiccups. The plant is used to treat syphilitic blennorrhoea. The root is diuretic. It is used to remove bladder stones, and is a remedy for jaundice. An infusion of the tender fresh roots is valuable in the treatment of chronic dysentery

  • -17%Limited
    Prekese- 500g Original price was: ₵30.00.Current price is: ₵25.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    Ethnomedical uses
    The plant is claimed to be therapeutically useful in the management of convulsion, leprosy, oedema, rheumatic pains, asthma, female
    sterility and inflammation. Bark decoction is used for cough, bronchitis, menstrual pains, and arthritis while the root decoction is used for
    jaundice. Aqueous extract of the pod is used as anticonvulsant whilst its paste is used to treat rheumatism. The intense odor on roasting is claimed to have insect- and snake-repellent properties (Gill, 1992). In some parts of West Africa, the fruit serves as a spice or as a source of multivitamins. In eastern parts of Nigeria, fruits are used to prepare soups for mothers from the first day of delivery to prevent
    postpartum contraction.


  • -33%Limited
    Psidium guajava (Guava) – 150g Original price was: ₵15.00.Current price is: ₵10.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    A tree 34 m high; smooth bark peels off in thin strips; leaves opposite, up to 15 cm long, 5 cm broad, veins prominent on lower surface.A very popular fruit crop, widely eaten in many areas of the world. The plant also has a wide range of traditional medicinal uses and is the source of vaarious commodities.  Very high in vitamin C, it is also a good source of vitamin A and pectin. The fruit makes a very nice jam and can also be pureed then added to a range of desserts. Research has shown that guava leaf has antioxidant effects beneficial to the heart, i.e. cardioprotective properties and improved myocardial function. In two randomized human studies, the consumption of guava fruit for 12 weeks was shown to reduce blood pressure by an average 8 points, decrease total cholesterol levels by 9%, decrease triglycerides by almost 8%, and increase HDL cholesterol by 8% (Jimenez-Escrig, et al., 2001; Conde, et al., 2003). In other animal studies guava leaf extracts showed demonstrable analgesic, sedative, and central nervous system (CNS) depressant activity, as well as cough suppressant actions (Jaiarj et al., 1999; Singh et al., 1993; Singh et al., 1992; Shaheen et al., 2000).

  • -25%Limited
    RafaSobolo Drink-330ml Original price was: ₵2.00.Current price is: ₵1.50. Sold By: GMF Store
  • HOT-5%Limited
    Rooter Life Original price was: ₵55.00.Current price is: ₵52.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    Good quality product for the reduction of both belly and body fats and helping detoxify the body generally

  • -20%Limited
    Sesame seeds-250g Original price was: ₵35.00.Current price is: ₵28.00. Sold By: GMF Store
  • -6%Limited
    Sparnis Garlic Mixture Original price was: ₵32.00.Current price is: ₵30.00. Sold By: GMF Store
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