Mondia whitei seedlings

Original price was: ₵25.00.Current price is: ₵22.00.

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  • -2%Limited
    Bridelia Tea- 250g Original price was: ₵23.50.Current price is: ₵23.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    Clinical data
    Administration of a leaf decoction to a 49-year-old female diabetic patient caused her fasting blood sugar level to fall from 242 mg/dl to about 120 mg/dl after 12 weeks, remaining at this level for eight weeks (Addae-Mensah, 1992). A 45-year old hypertensive woman, who had diabetes diagnosed on routine examination had her fasting blood sugar level of 370 mg/dl reduced to 250 mg/dl after one week and continued to fall until it normalized after eleven weeks on immediate administration of B. ferruginea. No medication was prescribed for her hypertension, but her blood pressure fell from 180/90 to 140/90 during the treatment period (Addae-Mensah, 1992; Ampofo, 1977). Aqueous extracts of the leaves were able to normalize the fasting blood glucose levels and helped in eliminating glycosuria of patients with maturity-onset diabetes (Iwu, 1993).

  • -70%Limited
    Croton membranaceus – 250g Original price was: ₵300.00.Current price is: ₵90.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    C membranaceus is a monoecious herb up to 2m in height with slender and densely stellate hairy branches. The root bark contains scopoletin and julocrotine, a glutarimide alkaloid. It also contains calcium oxalate crystals. A root extract is taken to treat urinary retention caused by an enlarged prostate. ]. The root and leaf extracts of C. membranaceus are also used as remedies for dia-betes and measles. The essential oils from the stem bark of C. membranaceus are taken as a remedy for a cough, diarrhea, fever, flatulence, and nausea. The antioxidant action of C. membranaceus extract is significant compared with the antioxidant action of gallic acid, the positive control which is a pure compound. . Blood glucose levels were reduced in mice given metformin and extract after 3 hours . These findings demonstrate the poten-tial of C. membranaceus extracts in the management of type 1 diabetes mellitus and diseases in which oxidants or free radicals are implicated. The extract demonstrated significant dose-dependent inhibition properties in the proliferation of BPH-1 cancer cells and changes in the morphology and reduced density of BPH-1 cancer cells

  • -8%Limited
    Ghana Herbal Pharmacopoeia-2015 Original price was: ₵240.00.Current price is: ₵220.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    Original and Newer version of the Ghana Herbal Pharmacopoeia (3rd Edition)

    Herbal medicine is an ancient medical system that provided the world’s population with safe, effective, and affordable medicine for centuries. Historical records show that humans have used plants as medicine for at least some 60,000 years and even today the populations of developing countries worldwide continue to rely heavily on plant medicine for their healthcare needs. A herbal pharmacopeia presents a nation’s documented, authentic herbal tradition and the Ghana Herbal Pharmacopoeia (GHP) is no exception. The GHP has been published some twelve years ago and was revised in 2007. Over the years, the pharmacopeia has served as a reference for medicinal plant, identification, preparation, and uses. This edition of the GHP is, therefore, an update of the first and second editions and contains available technical information on all the commonly used Ghanaian medicinal plants for which definable quality standards exist.

    Ghana has a rich natural resource in her plant heritage. In all the agro-ecological zones: forests, coastal and Northern savanna-plants of a huge diversity abound. It is a wide range of plant species in the country. Many of these plants are medicinal plants and developed therapies on their basis. The use of these herbal therapies and associated procedures for healing in the traditional systems are what come together in traditional herbal medicine.

    While the traditional herbal system is still useful in modern health care delivery systems, some challenges need to be addressed to enhance potency and efficacy. The fundamentals for addressing these challenges are Science, Technology, and Innovation(STI). The application of STI cuts across all the components of the value chain for the effective transformation of traditional herbal medicine. Scientists and all types of researchers have an onerous responsibility to ensure scientific impact on traditional herbal medicine. It is in this regard that this Ghana Herbal Pharmacopeia has been published.

    At the center of the traditional herbal medicine is the Traditional Medicine Practitioners (TMP). It is his or her knowledge that brings about health care delivery in the localities where they operate. More importantly, the innovations the TMP adopts or develops are what bring improvement in traditional herbal practice. The new herbal extractions that are discovered to heal certain diseases, the use of new and improved equipment and machinery, the packaging of products reflecting ingenuity and innovations, and the new approaches to marketing and branding, are all different forms of innovations which add value to the existing traditional herbal practices. However, some of these innovative actions are facilitated by sources of good knowledge.

    A pharmacopeia is an important source of scientific knowledge. Prepared in a manner of this Ghana Herbal Pharmacopoeia, it is a wealth of knowledge that can be the foundation of a whole industry. The new edition of the Ghana Herbal Pharmacopeia approaches the practice of traditional herbal medicine from a modern perspective where the philosophy of science is rooted in proof of concept. Therefore, in each of the monographs included in this publication, there has been further laboratory testing and proving of the potency of the active ingredients. It gives further credence to the practice of traditional herbal medicine and it enhances trust. However, the challenge is getting the TMPs to use the book with understanding and a commitment to excellence. It means that beyond publishing the pharmacopeia, there will be a conscious effort to train the TMPs to use the book in their practice. In that sense, it is not just a reference material, but it is a manual in its own right.

  • NEW-2%Limited
    TWI HERBAL MEDICINE GLOSSARY Original price was: ₵41.00.Current price is: ₵40.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    The 131-page book is a collection of commonly used medicinal plants, their family, indication and names in Twi and English. It serves as a source of reference for Researchers, Health Workers, Students and Traditional Doctors

  • -3%Limited
    Imboost Herbal Mixture Original price was: ₵35.00.Current price is: ₵34.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    Imboost is a locally manufactured herbal preparation made from Tectona grandis, Mangifera indica which acts as an immune booster

  • -3%Limited
    Dank Herbal Tonic Original price was: ₵36.00.Current price is: ₵35.00. Sold By: GMF Store
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