Banga Men Powder

Original price was: ₵70.00.Current price is: ₵60.00.

Sold By: GMF Store
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Erectile dysfunction


Mezoneuron benthamiamum


Mix a teaspoonful of the powder with shea butter and apply twice daily or consult your Medical Herbalist

For external use only





These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug
Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,
or prevent any disease. As with all dietary supplements, you should
consult a qualified healthcare practitioner prior to use if you are
taking any medications or have any medical conditions.
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    Kingdom Ginseng Capsules Original price was: ₵39.00.Current price is: ₵38.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    Kingdom Ginseng Sex Capsule for men is a potent all-natural male power pill that delivers solid, longer-lasting erections, stronger orgasms and in some cases bigger size. Increases male stamina and performance for more satisfaction for both partners.

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    Lawson Herbal Mixture Original price was: ₵28.00.Current price is: ₵27.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    A Potent antimalarial medication locally produced from Local herbs which treats general body pains and malaria.

    It is made from herbs like Alstonia boonei, Khaya senegalensis and Paulinia pinnata


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    Dudo herbal mixture is a naturally formulated product in Ghana. It is proven to be effective in managing uncomplicated malaria

  • -9%Limited
    (Sobolo) Hibiscus calyx -100g Original price was: ₵16.50.Current price is: ₵15.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    Roselle is an erect, mostly branched, annual to perennial plant growing up to 4.5 metres tall. The stems often become woody, at least at the base, and persist for more than a year. An important multipurpose plant supplying a range of foods, medicines and other products It has been grown as a food crop for around 6,000 years.

    The fresh calyx (the outer whorl of the flower) is eate n raw or cooked. It is rich in pectin and citric acid. The ripe calyces are diuretic and antiscorbutic. The succulent calyx, boiled in water, is used as a drink in the treatment of bilious attacks. The flowers contain gossypetin, anthocyanin, and the glycoside hibiscin.

    These may have diuretic and choleretic effects, decreasing the viscosity of the blood, reducing blood pressure and stimulating intestinal peristalsis. The plant is a tropical beverage
    used commonly in folk medicines to treat hypertension, pyrexia, inflammation, liver disorders, kidney and urinary bladder stones, and obesity (Liu et al., 2006).

    The dried flower extracts possessed antioxidant activity and protected rat hepatocytes from t-BHP-induced cytotoxicity and genotoxicity (Christian et al., 2006; Falade et al., 2005). The urine of 36 healthy subjects, after consumption of the flower juice, showed a decrease of creatinine, uric acid, citrate, tartrate, calcium, sodium, potassium and phosphate but not oxalate (Carvajal-Zarrabal et al., 2005).

    This could help the treatment and prevention of renal stones.

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    Xylopia aethiopica(Akan-Hwentia)-100g Original price was: ₵40.50.Current price is: ₵35.80. Sold By: GMF Store

    Xylopia consists of dried matured fruits of Xylopia aethiopica. An evergreen, aromatic tree growing up to 15m high; bark slightly ridged. A fruit extract, or a decoction of the bark, is useful in the treatment of bronchitis and dysenteric conditions. It is also used as a medicine for biliousness and febrile pains. The fruit is anthelmintic, antitussive, carminative, emmenagogue, purgative and a rubefacient to counter pain. The fruits are particularly recommended as a tonic both for women who wish to improve their fertility and for those who have recently given birth. The plant is said to contain anonaceine, which is an alkaloid resembling morphine in action according to some authorities, and according to others is a glycoside. The fruit contains a volatile aromatic oil, a fixed oil and rutin

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