Dank Phytocare Herbal Mixture

Original price was: ₵35.00.Current price is: ₵34.00.

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For the treatment of Piles

Active Ingredients 

Spathodea campanulanta
Kigelia africana
Alchornea cordifolia
Morinda lucida

Dosage form 

Liquid suspension (500ml)


Adults (18years and above): Three tablespoonful three times daily after meals for two weeks
Children  (12years and above): Three tablespoonful three times daily after meals for two weeks


Not recommended for pregnant women, lactating mothers and children below 12years of age. Keep out of reach of children


Store in a cool dry place away from sunlight. Shake well before use

Medical Disclaimer
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    Adom Koo Mixture is for effective relief of constipation, piles, waist pains and removal of excess phlegm. It may also improve eyesight.

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    Momordica charantia consists of the fresh or dried leaf or fruit of Momordica charantia. It is a very vigorous, annual climbing plant producing stems 5 metres or more long that scramble over the ground or climb up into the surrounding vegetation, supporting itself by means of tendrils. The fruit has a higher nutritional value than many members of this family, mainly due to its iron and vitamin C content. Bitter gourd tea, made from dried fruit pieces, is a popular health drink in Japan and some other Asian countries.

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