SAV 500 Capsules

Original price was: ₵115.00.Current price is: ₵90.00.

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Immune Support
General well-being


Cryptolepis sanguinolenta
Phyllanthus niruri
Momordica charantia
Morinda lucida

Dosage form

Capsules (30)


Take 1 (one) capsules two (2) times daily


Store in a cool dry place away from sunlight. Keep out of reach of children


Not recommended for pregnant women, lactating mothers and children below twelve years of age.

Medical Disclaimer
  • -14%Limited
    Toa ntini used for the treatment of oligospermia, male sexual impotence, and etc.
    Toa ntini (Paulinia pinnata) roots – 150g Original price was: ₵29.00.Current price is: ₵25.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    A woody or sub-woody climber with tendrils at the nodes; stem ridged; leaves imparipinnate (2-pairs and odd one) both rachis and petiole conspicuously winged.

    The crude hot aqueous extract of the whole plant dose-dependently exhibited antimalarial activity by inhibiting the growth of Plasmodium falciparum (Gbeasor et al., 1989).

    Extracts of various morphological parts of P. pinnata obtained by using the traditional method of preparation showed broad-spectrum antibacterial effects (Annan and Houghton). Broadbent (1962) observed that Paullinia-tannin has cardiotonic action. The compound increased diastolic tonus and coronary blood flow in isolated perfused mammalian heart.

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    Hepa Plus Mixture on Rafamall Marketplace
    Hepa Plus Mixture Original price was: ₵26.00.Current price is: ₵25.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    Great herbal formula from local plants( vernonia amygdalina and momordica charantia) which is widely known to boost the immune system and also promote general welbeing

  • -2%Limited
    Bridelia Tea- 250g Original price was: ₵23.50.Current price is: ₵23.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    Clinical data
    Administration of a leaf decoction to a 49-year-old female diabetic patient caused her fasting blood sugar level to fall from 242 mg/dl to about 120 mg/dl after 12 weeks, remaining at this level for eight weeks (Addae-Mensah, 1992). A 45-year old hypertensive woman, who had diabetes diagnosed on routine examination had her fasting blood sugar level of 370 mg/dl reduced to 250 mg/dl after one week and continued to fall until it normalized after eleven weeks on immediate administration of B. ferruginea. No medication was prescribed for her hypertension, but her blood pressure fell from 180/90 to 140/90 during the treatment period (Addae-Mensah, 1992; Ampofo, 1977). Aqueous extracts of the leaves were able to normalize the fasting blood glucose levels and helped in eliminating glycosuria of patients with maturity-onset diabetes (Iwu, 1993).

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    Xylopia aethiopica(Akan-Hwentia)-100g Original price was: ₵40.50.Current price is: ₵35.80. Sold By: GMF Store

    Xylopia consists of dried matured fruits of Xylopia aethiopica. An evergreen, aromatic tree growing up to 15m high; bark slightly ridged. A fruit extract, or a decoction of the bark, is useful in the treatment of bronchitis and dysenteric conditions. It is also used as a medicine for biliousness and febrile pains. The fruit is anthelmintic, antitussive, carminative, emmenagogue, purgative and a rubefacient to counter pain. The fruits are particularly recommended as a tonic both for women who wish to improve their fertility and for those who have recently given birth. The plant is said to contain anonaceine, which is an alkaloid resembling morphine in action according to some authorities, and according to others is a glycoside. The fruit contains a volatile aromatic oil, a fixed oil and rutin

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