Cassia occidentalis seeds(Mmofraborode3) – 150g

Original price was: ₵15.00.Current price is: ₵10.00.

Sold By: GMF Store
19 sold in last 5 hours

Negro coffee consists of the matured dried roasted seeds of Cassia occidentalis. Glaborous herb or undershrub; annual or up to 3 years durations; leaves compound pinnate, leaflets 4-5 pairs, terminal pair largest, broadly lanceolate or ovate. The seeds are brewed into a
coffee-like beverage for asthma, hypertension, malaria, fevers and stomach complaints.

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Hypertension, liver disorders, anaemia, malaria


As directed by a Medical Herbalist

Adverse effects

May interfere with the metabolism of some of the drugs in the liver because of it hepatic detoxification properties. Not to be taken in large doses


Pregnancy, hypotension, and antihypertensives




These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug
Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,
or prevent any disease. As with all dietary supplements, you should
consult a qualified healthcare practitioner prior to use if you are
taking any medications or have any medical conditions.
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