Divine Mixture

Original price was: ₵35.00.Current price is: ₵33.00.

Sold By: GMF Store
19 sold in last 7 hours

An herbal preparation produced locally for the management of menstrual pains, rheumatism and piles from proven herbs like Anthocleista nobilis


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HOT SALE-6%Limited
Divine Mixture Original price was: ₵35.00.Current price is: ₵33.00. Sold By: GMF Store

An herbal preparation produced locally for the management of menstrual pains, rheumatism and piles from proven herbs like Anthocleista nobilis


Agetum- 330ml Original price was: ₵27.00.Current price is: ₵22.50. Sold By: Centre For Plant Medicine research

Herbal supplement for improvement of female fertility

Total: 55.50


  • Menstrual pains
  • Rheumatism
  • Piles


  • Khaya ivorensis
  • Rauwolfia vomitoria
  • Anthocleista nobilis


Adult: 4 tablespoonful three times daily

Children: 2 tablespoonful three times daily


Keep out of reach of children

Store in a cool dry place away from sunlight

Adverse effect

None recorded


Dosage form: liquid For oral use only
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  • -25%Limited
    RafaSobolo Drink-330ml Original price was: ₵2.00.Current price is: ₵1.50. Sold By: GMF Store
  • HOT-6%Limited
    Alchornea cordifolia (Gyama) leaf – 250g Original price was: ₵25.50.Current price is: ₵24.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    Alchornea cordifolia consists of the fresh or dried leaves of Alchornea cordifolia. It’s a small tree or many stemmed, almost climbingshrub p to 5m high; stems armed with blunt spines.

  • -9%Limited
    Lavender oil-30mls Original price was: ₵22.00.Current price is: ₵20.00. Sold By: GMF Store
  • -7%Limited
    Cloves-150g Original price was: ₵30.00.Current price is: ₵28.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    The clove tree is monoecious, flowers are hermaphrodite and self-pollinating. The tree matures between 8-10 years after planting. Clove trees live for more than 100 years, the oldest tree recorded is aged 375 years in Indonesia. Generally, it takes 20-30 years for clove to attain full bearing.  The best quality cloves for use as a spice are grown in the wetter climates where annual rainfall is in excess of 1,500mm and usually in the range 3,000 – 4,000mm

    Cloves, and the essential oil contained in them, are often used medicinally. A spicy, warming, stimulant herb, it is strongly antiseptic, relieves pain, controls nausea and vomiting, improves digestion, protects against intestinal parasites, and causes uterine contractions. Cloves are taken internally as a tea in the treatment of internal parasites, stomach upsets, chills, and impotence. The flower buds are chewed to freshen the breath or ease the pain of toothache.

    The essential oil is applied externally in the treatment of toothache, headache, cold, arthritis, and rheumatism. It is also useful for treating ulcers, bruises, burns, bronchitis, asthma, minor infections, and colic. It is sometimes used to ease nausea. Two little-known compounds in clove oil have shown ‘strong activity’ against bacteria associated with plaque formation and gum disease. Clove oil is very potent and can cause gum irritation, it is advisable to dilute it with equal amounts of vegetable oil. For infants and even milder dilution is required. Use should be avoided during pregnancy, or if with sensitive skin

  • HOT SALE-9%Limited
    Adom Ladies Care Mixture Original price was: ₵33.00.Current price is: ₵30.00. Sold By: GMF Store
  • -17%Limited
    Cinnamon powder-150g Original price was: ₵30.00.Current price is: ₵25.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    A small tree with smooth bark; opposite dark green, coriaceous and shiny leaves, obovate, with 3-5 basal nerves, up to 15 cm long and 10 cm broad; flowers unisexual, cream, in axillary and terminal panicles; fruit small drupe.

    Studies have shown that the bark of the plant contains volatile oils, mucilage, calcium oxalate, tannins, and starch, all of which work synergistically to give the plant its appetizer, carminative, digestive and stomachic actions (Pamplona-Roger, 11998). C. zeylanicum promotes gastric and intestinal juice secretion and enhances gastric motility. The bark extracts have shown to be effective against fluconazole-resistant and -susceptible Candida isolates in vitro. A small scale clinical trial on AIDs patients showed the herb to be effective for treating oral candidiasis (Quale et al., 1996). Antibacterial actions have also been demonstrated in vitro (Azumi et al., 1997; Bruneton, 1995). C. zeylanicum‟s diterpenes have shown antiallergic activity (Nagai et., 1982). Aqueous extracts exhibited antiulcer effects (Akira et al., 1986). Cinnamon may have hypoglycaemic properties in vitro (Berrio et al., 1992). Its mild astringent action may be due to the tannins. The essential oils of C. zeylanicum, Ocimum gratissimum, Cymbopogon citratus, Eugenia uniflora, and Alpinia speciosa demonstrated inhibitory action against dermatophyte strains in vitro (Lima et al., 1993). The oil and leaf extracts have antiviral activity (Kato, 1975; Leung and Foster, 1996); the eugenol-containing leaf oil has demonstrated antiseptic and anaesthetic properties. Several studies have shown that cinnamaldehyde has hypotensive and spasmolytic effects. It also inhibits the enzymes cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase and increases peripheral blood flow (Tahara et al., 1986; Harada and Yamazaki, 1981). Extracts have shown antioxidant activity in vitro and may be useful as food antioxidants (Mancini-Filho et al., 1998).

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