Sesame seeds-250g

Original price was: ₵35.00.Current price is: ₵28.00.

Sold By: GMF Store
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Some Health benefits

  • Triggers Hair Growth
  • Anti-ageing properties
  • Boosts Skin Health
  •  Boosts Dental Health
  • Boosts Digestion
  •  Good Source of Energy
  • Stabilizes your blood pressure
  • Boosts bone health
  • Helps Fight Stress and Depression
  • High Source of Unsaturated Fats




These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug
Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,
or prevent any disease. As with all dietary supplements, you should
consult a qualified healthcare practitioner prior to use if you are
taking any medications or have any medical conditions
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    Momordica charantia consists of the fresh or dried leaf or fruit of Momordica charantia. It is a very vigorous, annual climbing plant producing stems 5 metres or more long that scramble over the ground or climb up into the surrounding vegetation, supporting itself by means of tendrils. The fruit has a higher nutritional value than many members of this family, mainly due to its iron and vitamin C content. Bitter gourd tea, made from dried fruit pieces, is a popular health drink in Japan and some other Asian countries.

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