Sphenocentrum jollyanum roots- 150g

Original price was: ₵25.50.Current price is: ₵20.77.

Sold By: GMF Store
3 sold in last 6 hours

It consists of the dried roots of Sphenocentrum jollyanum. Sphenocentrum jollyanum  is a perennial under growth of dense forest. It grows to an average height of about 1.5 m, with few scanty branches. S. jollyanum leaves are wedge-shaped, about 5–12 cm wide, smooth on both sides, and can grow up to about 20 cm long with a small-arrowed apex.

The root is used as an aphrodisiac tonic for men. The sap from chewing sticks made from the root is believed to relieve stomach-ache and constipation, and to boost appetite and sexual drive. Sphenocentrum jollyanum has shown anti-oxidant, anti-angiogenic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, antinociceptive, antitumor, antiviral, laxative, stomachic, tonic and aphrodisiac activities.

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  • Impotence, sexual dysfunction,
  • diabetes,
  • high blood pressure,
  • anorexia


None known

Adverse effects

Non known


As Directed by  a Medical Herbalist




These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug
Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,
or prevent any disease. As with all dietary supplements, you should
consult a qualified healthcare practitioner prior to use if you are
taking any medications or have any medical conditions.


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