Adom Koo Capsules

Original price was: ₵36.00.Current price is: ₵35.00.

Sold By: GMF Store
8 sold in last 10 hours

Adom Koo Capsules or Liquid : Benefit of product: Relief of constipation, piles, and waist pains cures. Improves eyesight. This is a supplemental natural herbal product

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Adom Koo Capsules Original price was: ₵36.00.Current price is: ₵35.00. Sold By: GMF Store

Adom Koo Capsules or Liquid : Benefit of product: Relief of constipation, piles, and waist pains cures. Improves eyesight. This is a supplemental natural herbal product

Adom Koo Mixture Original price was: ₵29.00.Current price is: ₵28.00. Sold By: GMF Store

Adom Koo Mixture is for effective relief of constipation, piles, waist pains and removal of excess phlegm. It may also improve eyesight.

Total: 63.00


Piper guineense

Khaya senegalensis



Waist pains

Colon cleansing

Dosage form



Not recommended for pregnant women, lactating mothers and children below 12 years of age


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  • -3%Limited
    Hunteria seeds-200g Original price was: ₵40.00.Current price is: ₵38.99. Sold By: GMF Store

    In Sierra Leone the bark of Hunteria umbellata is made into a bitter tonic and used as a stomachic and as a lotion to treat fever. A fresh root-bark extract is applied in Côte d’Ivoire to sores caused by leprosy. The fruit is rich in latex that is an ingredient of arrow poison in Côte d’Ivoire. In Ghana and Nigeria the root and stem bark are used as an anthelmintic, especially against Guinea worm, filaria worms and schistosomiases (causing bilharzia). Aqueous and alcoholic extracts of the seeds are used as a cure for piles, yaws, diabetes and stomach ulcers in Nigeria. The bark and the root are used as a bitter tonic in Nigeria, and powdered root and root decoctions are used to prevent miscarriage and to treat menorrhagia. In Cameroon a bark or fruit decoction is taken to treat stomach-ache, liver problems and hernia. The plant is also used in the treatment of geriatric problems. Hunteria umbellata extracts are used in Germany for phytotherapeutic purposes, to reduce the heart rate, as an aphrodisiac, to decrease blood pressure and reduce blood lipid content.
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