Adom Koo Mixture

Original price was: ₵29.00.Current price is: ₵28.00.

Sold By: GMF Store
19 sold in last 12 hours

Adom Koo Mixture is for effective relief of constipation, piles, waist pains and removal of excess phlegm. It may also improve eyesight.

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Adom Koo Mixture Original price was: ₵29.00.Current price is: ₵28.00. Sold By: GMF Store

Adom Koo Mixture is for effective relief of constipation, piles, waist pains and removal of excess phlegm. It may also improve eyesight.

Yaakson Koo Capsule- 30Caps Original price was: ₵35.00.Current price is: ₵34.00. Sold By: Yaakson Herbal

A very effective herbal medication for the management of all kinds of piles

Total: 62.00


Piper guineense

Khaya senegalensis



Waist pains

Colon cleansing

Dosage form



Adult: Four tablesponful twice daily


Not recommended for pregnant women, lactating mothers and children below 12 years of age


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  • -33%Limited
    Mango fruit (Mangifera indica)-1Kg Original price was: ₵15.00.Current price is: ₵10.00. Sold By: GMF Store
  • -12%Limited
    Justicia secunda leaf – 150g Original price was: ₵45.50.Current price is: ₵40.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    J. secunda consist of the fresh or dried leaves of Justicia secunda. It is an evergreen, perennial plant with stems that sometimes become more or less woody. It can grow from 90 – 200cm tall It is an erect grass of simple leaves, whose flowers are contained in terminal panicles.

    The folkloric uses of the plant include wound healing, anemia and abdominal pain. The anti-sickling, haematinic, antimicrobial and anti-hypertensive activities of J. secunda have been reported.

    The leaves are used in the treatment of anemia, cough, cold, fever, malaria, measles, and whooping cough.The stem and leaves are used in a clarifying infusion for the treatment of amenorrhoea

  • -6%Limited
    (Mondia whitei) – 150g Original price was: ₵32.00.Current price is: ₵29.99. Sold By: GMF Store

    M. whitei consists of the dried roots of Mondia whitei. M. whiteiis aperennial woody climber reaching 3–6 m high with twining stems which exudes white latex when cut. It has characteristic large, oppositely positioned heart-shaped leaves.

    It is especially valued for its medicinal virtues, particularly as an aphrodisiac, but is also as a food, drink, source of fibre and tooth cleaner. The roots are used to flavour food and tea. Both the roots and the root bark have a pronounced vanilla-like odour and taste like a mixture of liquorice and ginger. They are anodyne, aphrodisiac, appetizer, carminative, diuretic, expectorant, purgative, restorative, stomachic, tonic and uterine stimulant.

    The root is especially highly valued throughout Africa as an aphrodisiac – the fresh or dried roots are chewed to treat sexual weakness, prevent premature ejaculation and to increase sperm production.

    A decoction or infusion is widely taken to treat digestive troubles including gastro-intestinal problems, stomach-ache, indigestion, constipation, anorexia, and as a restorative and appetite stimulant.

    The decoction is also used to treat a wide range of other conditions, including urinary infections, gonorrhoea, jaundice, coughs, bronchitis, chest complaints, headache, paralysis and epileptic attacks, depression, to relieve body pains

  • HOT-24%Limited
    Victory Garlic Mixture Original price was: ₵42.00.Current price is: ₵32.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    Naturally formulated herbal products containing local plants like cassia occidentalis, Azadiracter indica, Allium sativum which improves cardiovascular health, diabetes and boosts the immune system

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    Chocho cream – 75g Original price was: ₵11.00.Current price is: ₵10.00. Sold By: GMF Store

    Chocho cream are essential for the treatment of skin rash, chicken pox, facial spots, razor bumps, eczema, boils, for foot rot etc.

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